Thursday, January 30, 2020

Army Digital Mapping Center Essay Example for Free

Army Digital Mapping Center Essay A Candidate must be either :(a) a citizen of India or, (b) a subject of Nepal, or (c) a subject of Bhutan, or (d) a Tibetan refugee who came to India before 1st January 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or (e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka or East African countries Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganiyka and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malavi, Zair Ethiopa and Vietnam, with the intention of permanently settling in India. Provided that a candidate who belongs to categories (b), (c), (d) and (e) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate for eligibility has been issued by the Govt of India. Note : The application of candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary, may be considered in the Deptt, and if recommended for appointment, the candidates may also be provisionally appointed subject to necessary certificate being issued in his favour by the Govt of India. Applications of the Candidates who does NOT fulfill the eligibility criteria will be out right and NO intimation in this regard will be given to the candidates. Minimum Qualification 2. All applicants must fulfill the educational requirements of the post, age and other conditions as stipulated in advertisement. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the essential qualification laid down for relevant post. No enquiry for advice regarding eligibility will be entertained. Note – I. The prescribed essential qualifications are minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for written examination. 2 Note – II. Where the number of applications received in response to an advertisement is large and it will not be convenient or possible for the Deptt to call for written test all the candidates, the Deptt at their discretion may restrict the number of candidates, to a reasonable limit based on the marks obtained in the qualifying examination. In case of grading system, the candidate must furnish conversion formula duly approved by the respective Board/Institute. . The candidate should mention all the qualifications and experience in the relevant field over and above the minimum qualifications and should attach attested copies of the certificate in support thereof. Candidates must apply in the application in the format published in this advertisement and fill up all the columns in their own hand in BLOCK letters in the presc ribed format as per Annexure 1. 5. Applications on formats other than the one indicated will be summarily rejected. 6.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

lighthod Detachment in Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness :: Heart Darkness essays

Detachment in Heart of Darkness In the book Heart of Darkness, Marlowe only allows himself to form only one bond. Marlowe allows himself to form a small "safe" attachment to Kurtz because Kurtz is already very attached. He does not form any other bonds. In fact, he uses his racism to eliminate the possibility of having feelings for about ninety nine percent of the African population. Marlowe not only looks at the African people as being to different from him to be normal, but he goes so far as to describe Africa as being another world, a world containing savages. He would not let himself become attached to this land, or it's inhabitants. Anytime he feels himself having a relationship with anyone, he purposely stops himself from feeling, fearing that opening himself up may result in rejection and/or heartbreak. He claimed that he felt a connection with Kurtz this, I believe, is because he knew that this was "safe." This was "safe" because he knew that Kurtz would die before any real attachment could be made. He also knew that Kurtz would not have the same feeling for him as he had for Kurtz. This is because Kurtz already had two girlfriends, and a best friend (the Russian). This was something that Marlowe could deal with because Kurtz was already deeply involved so it held little risk for intense attachment. This is also shown when the helmsman, man who steers the ship, gets killed. Marlowe says that he liked that man because he was reliable, and not mush else. He did not even shed a tear for a man that he worked everyday with for the last six months. He simply threw him overboard, thinking about it for only a few minutes and then, he walked away. The Cannibals on the ship were starving. They had almost no food with them, and were not given the opportunity to buy food. The helmsman body could have been enough food for all of them for awhile. Marlowe, acting in character, did not care about this. He said that it may start a bad chain of events. Because of this all of the Cannibals went hungry for the rest of the trip. Going along with his inability to have healthy relationships with people and his inability to care, is his racism. This racism acts as a good buffer against attachment.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Quality of Life for the Patient and Family Essay

Quality of life has a different meaning for everyone. Many personal thoughts and feelings can come into play when caring for others during the end stages of life. However as a nurse and caregiver, these opinions must be put aside at this significant time. For some health care providers, we may feel that keeping the patient comfortable and having them surrounded by family is most important. However, for the patient, personal culture, lifestyle and value for one self as well as a sense of independence in handling this time alone is most imperative. Therefor a nurse must consider the individual’s past experiences, present lifestyle and personal hopes in which they choose to live in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns at this stage. One must meet not only the physical needs of the patient but the psychosocial demands in this sensitive time of need. Seeking aggressive medical treatment vs. palliative care is something that is very personal and differs from individual to individual. Nurses’ opinions and suggestions of the â€Å"best care† should not be voiced to the patient or family, even if asked directly. For Mrs. Thomas, time also plays an important role. She is young and may have many other worries than those of an older age experience in preparing for end of life. A nurse must consider what areas of life are important to her and what is the relative importance of each of these areas. Personal perception that counting on family support is huge, but may not be possible in Mrs. Thomas’ situation as her children live out of town. STRATEGIES TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE The nurse should look at several strategies that directly impact the patient as well as the family. Quality of life not only looks at the health status  the patient but those directly involved in the care of the patient. This encompasses a broader set of planning including finances, housing, and employment. This will have a direct impact on the entire family. Three important strategies that are helpful to relieve overall stress and promote optimal coping skills include: 1) patient awareness of disease process, 2) available support from healthcare providers and 3) addressing physical as well as the psychosocial needs of the patient. Healthcare professionals must be prepared and speak directly with the patient and family when it is determined best to the physician’s ability, that the identified disease of breast cancer will cause death. Advance planning and preparation may be helpful in dying well if Mrs. Thomas is more aware about her status of disease. Physicians and nurses must change the plan of aggressive medical treatments of curing the disease of breast cancer and concentrate providing support and a comfortable well being of the deteriorating disease process. This in turn should provide a plan of care for relief of pain, contentment to the patient and focus on the overall whole being of quality of life. The homecare team can include doctors, nurses, home health aides, social workers, and clergy as well as trained volunteers. Most team members provide on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to deliver support. The patient and family should feel the comfort in calling these resources at anytime. The nurse must remind Mrs. Thomas and her husband that they are not â€Å"bothering† any team member by asking for assistance. The team must always work together and communicate the patient’s goals for end-of-life care. It is important for all to realize this is very individualized for each patient and family member. Each individual strategy should include caring for the whole person physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. It important for the team to develop strengths based perspectives of psychosocial interventions and listen to what the patient and family have to say to enable them to cope better. In doing so, the team must also communicate on each encounter with Mrs. Thomas and family as well as each other to assure that her and the husband’s needs are being met. HOLISTIC CARE A holistic nursing care plan in valuable in delivering care to the entire person in supporting the physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, social and  environmental needs. With this approach, nursing care needs to move away from viewing Mrs. Thomas as merely a ‘diagnosis’ and treating her as a whole person. Nursing goals should be to develop immediate trust with the patient and family, provide comfort, supportive care, and symptom management. This can be achieved by effective communication and providing a calm, relaxed setting for Mrs. Thomas. Allowing her to speak openly and honestly about her feelings and emotions of grief, physical complaints such as pain, nausea, and difficulty sleeping is a good way to start to develop a trusting nurse/patient relationship. As a nurse, one must be supportive and be willing to listen openly. Once Mrs. Thomas begins to express these types of things, the nurse must review and evaluate every visit to improve specific concerns with her. More importantly, healthcare providers must display an openness to hear new concerns and prioritize the needs of the patient and family. FUNCTIONAL ABILITY Assessments to maintain the self functional ability for Mrs. Thomas should include creating a plan to achieve realistic goals and allow self care as long as possible. This in turn can give control back to Mrs. Thomas, help raise confidence and value her quality of life. Mrs. Thomas’ physical, social and environmental conditions should also be considered to help her care for herself. Discussing the 24/7 availability of visits from registered nurses and social workers, involving family and friends or volunteers that can help with running errands and meal preparation for adequate dietary intake, and discussing appropriate medical equipment to assist with ADLs such as performing personal hygiene can prove to be helpful. PROVIDING ADDITIONAL CARE When self-care is no longer possible, the importance of more frequent nurse and/or social worker visits, and interaction of clergy is valuable. In addition, further involvement of additional family, friends, home health aides or volunteers to assist not only with running errands, meal preparation and assistance with ADLs but being present in the home for longer periods to care directly for Mrs. Thomas becomes more imperative. The nurse can assist in making sure appropriate DME equipment is in the home. In  addition, this turns out to be a time when additional emotional support is of great concern for Mr. Thomas. CHRONIC DEPRESSION Mr. Thomas already suffers from chronic depression and now has to endure immense and continuous stress to care for his wife with advanced breast cancer. Over time this takes a toll his health, ability to work, finances, and their own personal and family needs. Involvement of not only the nurse, but also social worker and bereavement counselor can help Mr. Thomas tremendously. Encouraging him to take his medications will help both him and his wife. Also, reassurance that it is okay to want quiet time and allowing others to help to care for his wife should be verbalized to him in a caring manner. Taking some of the financial worries away from Mr. Thomas may help as well. The social worker can discuss resources that are of no cost from community volunteer organizations and review the reimbursement of covered services from the insurance organization at the beginning and in ongoing care of his wife. Sharing the right information with the patient’s family is very important and can assist in better coping. Again, the home care team must offer an environment that provides the openness to hear all concerns and overall needs of not only the patient but also her family.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Crime Analysis Enhances Criminal Investigations - 2533 Words

Even though there has been fluctuation in particular crime categories, overall crime in general has decreased in Australia in recent years (Dearden Bricknell: 2008). It is due to this fluctuation in particular crimes that the media continues to play a role in misrepresenting crime rates, creating community fear and concerns regarding crime in this country (Kidd-Hewitt: 2002). The flow on effect is that it creates extra pressure on law enforcement agencies to try and bring crime under control. Law enforcement agencies turn to criminal investigators who are the ones that analyse crime information and provide guidance and advice to them. As with technology advancing, so is the face of crimes, with crimes becoming more sophisticated, organised and global (Laycock: 2008). With these advances in technology it creates more opportunities for offenders to commit crimes. It is the goal of criminal investigators to reduce or eliminate these opportunities and thus reducing crime. Just li ke offenders who take the opportunities to commit crime, criminal investigators take the opportunity to use and apply their new knowledge to their working practices. Research suggests that traditional policing methods (reactive, incident-driven approach) are ineffective. If traditional policing methods are ineffective, then investigators have to look for an alternative to effectively deal with crime without using excessive imprisonment. Whilst in the past criminal investigators haveShow MoreRelatedInvestigation Of A Criminal Investigation Essay1447 Words   |  6 PagesInvestigation Research A criminal investigator can be described as an individual who collects, records, and analyzes evidence and information related to a criminal offense. The main goal of criminal investigation is to discover the truth regarding the events and processes that contributed to the occurrence of a criminal offense. 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